由LinkedIn 與 GitHub 合作發佈超過40個以上的線上課程


LinkedInGitHub 合作,通過 LinkedIn Learning 推出 40 多堂軟體開發課程,而這些課程在 2023 年 2月28日以前都是免費的,如果你對軟體開發有興趣,千萬不要錯過這樣的機會!你只需要一個LinkedIn 帳號然後觀看以下解釋影片,然後就可以前往你有興趣的課程直接開始你的學習旅程!

這些課程主要是由 GitHub 統計出來的熱門程式語言,然後透過 LinkedIn Learning 學習平台觀看教學,而程式學習是需要一邊吸收一邊輸出的,所以你可以直接在 GitHub 的  Codespaces 上直接練習、操作,不用擔心沒有環境無法實際演練,你可以直接前往課程清單或參考以下課程列表:

  1. Hands-On Introduction: Python
  2. Hands-On Introduction: Java
  3. Hands-On Introduction: React
  4. Hands-On Introduction: SQL
  5. Hands-On Introduction: JavaScript
  6. Hands-On Introduction: Go
  7. Hands-On Introduction: ASP.NET Razor Pages
  8. Hands-On Introduction: PHP
  9. CSS for Programmers
  10. JavaScript: Functions
  11. Practice It: Python Data Structures
  12. Practice It: JavaScript Loops and Conditionals
  13. Practice It: Java
  14. Practice It: SQL Joins
  15. Practice It: PHP Classes and Objects
  16. Level Up: C
  17. Level Up: Java
  18. Level Up: SQL
  19. Level Up: Python
  20. Level Up: PHP
  21. Level Up: Python Data Acquisitions, Prep, and EDA
  22. Level-Up: Go
  23. Level Up: Advanced Python
  24. Data Cleaning in Python Essential Training
  25. Learning Bash Scripting
  26. Data Science Foundations: Python Scientific Stack
  27. 8 Git Commands You Should Know
  28. Training Neural Networks In Python
  29. Machine Learning With Python: Logistic Regression
  30. Machine Learning With Python: Association Rules
  31. Practice It: Go REST API Server
  32. Building Monorepos on GitHub
  33. CSS: Animation
  34. Tailwind CSS 3 Essential Training
  35. CSS Layout Code Challenges
  36. CSS Tips
  37. Controlling CSS With JavaScript
  38. CSS: Enhancing Interfaces With Animation
  39. CSS: Images
  40. CSS: Scrolling and Parallax
  41. ESLint: Integrating With Your Workflow
  42. ESLint: Checking For Syntax and Logic Errors
  43. ESLint: Customizing Styles


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